Looks cool. I was working on a bunch of R7 rockets over the past like, 3 months. I haven't done anything in around a month and a half due to real life stuff (and being lazy) but I started out awhile ago to make a bunch of modules which players could then build any kind of R7 series of rockets with those parts. I'll finish the project one day... once the game is improved more and once players are able to choose thier command pod, because otherwise any rocket other then the sputnik is useless :v But yeah, I got a bit burnt out doing it, but am being pressured by the somethingawful.com communtiy (well, the people in the KSP thread) to finish it up one day. Not to rain on your parade, just showing off. Maybe I should have made a WIP thread, but just not update it for a few months http://i.imgur.com/mnROX.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Vk1Ym.jpg http://i.imgur.com/y0u7t.jpg