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  1. So I have been on this forum for over 2 years yet I have post o so little, so here is my first post ever. Because I couldn't think of anything else I'll just do a self made F.A.Q F.A.Q: Q. Where do you live A. Vancouver British Colombia, Canada. Q. Favorite type of game. A. RTS or stimulation Q. PC specs (cause why not) A. AMD 8320 (OC) GTX 660 (OC) 8GB RAM (OC). Q. Stuff you do other than video games A. Politics and Royal Canadian Air Cadets. Q. What do you think about KSP and how far it's come? A. It has come so far from just try to make it to the mun (that being the only place to go at the time) and having to pray the space kracken didn't decide your ship looked like a tasty lunch. Yeah thats all I could think of. So there it is the first post from someone who has lurked for 2 years.
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