Hey guys. I started a new Real Solar System career run a while back, and as the episodes have started to accumulate it's probably time to post the playlist here
Hey guys, finally back with a new series. This time, instead of focusing on making things hard like last time, it's all about having fun and playing with cool tools. First episode is a bit slow as I get familiar with the contracts system and go through the first few missions to get our space program off the ground.
Will there be any problems upgrading from the 0.24.2 experimental build to the official version later on? Considering adding KSPI to my next series, but I'm still on the fence as I will begin recording very soon.
If I were to start a game with the experimental build, can I be certain that the save will survive an upgrade when the full update is done, or should I wait? I wanna do my next series with Interstellar as a part of it, but I'm really itching to get started
Hey guys. I started doing semi-regular KSP streams again, and will be doing at least one stream per week for the foreseeable future. This stream series will focus on 0.23 career mode. Videos from the first two streams:
Follow me at http://twitch.tv/larsmaehlum or on http://twitter.com/maehlum to receive notifications when I start streaming. Hope to see you there next time