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Everything posted by zarakon

  1. A Kraken Drive is also capable of getting you to the ocean floor
  2. Completely false 30 vs 60 is a huge difference. 60 vs 120 is still noticeable. In a moving scene, especially one controlled by your own mouse or head movements, it's only above ~90 fps where you can't tell much difference anymore. The Oculus Rift (VR headset) is targeting 90Hz for their consumer version because the current 60Hz and the newer 75Hz models still aren't good enough.
  3. A "proper deflector shield" wouldn't really be necessary. The major design elements of the Orion pusher plate involve allowing it to survive multiple blasts and dampening the impulse so as not to kill everyone onboard. Neither of those things really matter when it's an asteroid you're trying to push. The efficiency comes from the design of the explosive charges themselves. They're designed to direct most of their energy toward the pusher plate as a "cigar-shaped" jet of plasma, rather than being just dumb bombs. They could probably be quite effective in pushing an asteroid Of course, another application of the Orion drive would be to just send a high velocity impactor to the asteroid.
  4. Sure, I could make separate leaderboards for FAR. I'm curious whether it makes this easier or harder
  5. Landing gear, like the small cubic struts, actually doesn't have any weight in the physics
  6. Getting to orbit, if it's possible at all, will almost certainly require multiple stages. It's possible that a final stage would ditch the wings, but with a maximum TWR of about 0.5 I don't think we've reached the point where that would work yet
  7. I agree on the biomes Doing a whole bunch of crew/eva reports and gravity scans from polar orbit can rack up a crazy amount of science while being quite boring
  8. Well I tried disabling the roll and yaw controls on my control surfaces. Instead of self-destructing at 22km it did it at 11km instead! So I moved some of my wings to shift the center of lift, and added struts to try to prevent the flexing. One or both of those things worked perfectly, so instead of destroying itself, my glider destroyed all the records! I flew more than halfway around the world before going through all 2800 units of xenon, and never ran out of daylight. I reached 927m/s surface speed, 744 orbital speed, and over 29km altitude. (clicky) Score is 2202.8, since it's orbital speed that counts, not surface speed. cyberklad, that means yours is 1536.4 Going west is a double-edged sword. The sun becomes your friend, but the rotation of the planet becomes your enemy. I think it's probably the way to go though, since ~366 m/s is an easier number to overcome than 0 electric charge
  9. You could try adding a reaction wheel. For some reason the large 2.5m one weighs the least, and it's lighter than the smallest RCS fuel tank. Still pretty heavy though, for a plane of that size
  10. hmm, alright I'll try disabling the roll and yaw controls on them
  11. No, the thrust you could get from RCS would be pretty significant for an extremely light craft like this. You can add control surfaces. One small per wing should give you plenty of control without letting infiniglide take over
  12. What if you were to use a "bunker buster" bomb that penetrates the surface before detonating?
  13. I had an extremely capable stock Mun rover before there was docking or actual rover parts. I'd say it was better than anything I could even build in stock now, since the avionics SAS is gone
  14. I do it a bit, but I try to do it in ways that make sense, where just structural parts overlap I also love to use the radial attachment option from editor extensions
  15. I made an attempt at flying west, but didn't get screenshots due to the sudden nature of the failure 1. Due to the slow ascent, I barely cleared the mountain range west of KSC! 2. Flying west to keep up with the sun seems to probably be the best way to go. 3. Around 22km and 500m/s (surface), my glider spontaneously started shaking and flexing violently until it tore itself apart. Turning off mechjeb, SAS, and timewarp as soon as it started didn't help. Possibly a CoM shift issue? I've never seen it happen like this though
  16. Here's mine, definitely room for improvement 1581.4
  17. Ion engines are another issue entirely. They may be overpowered compared to real life, but it's necessary since there's no way to automate a 2-month burn of a realistic one. They're still not overpowered within the context of the game because they're very specialized in what they do. There aren't any other parts that become useless in the shadow of the ion engine. The new big engines are actually still underpowered compared to real engines. But again, that's a necessary difference because the whole Kerbal solar system is on a smaller scale. Within the context of the game though, they're overpowered. They seriously outclass the existing engines in multiple aspects with no significant drawbacks.
  18. It actually starts when you lift off the ground. So if you build a rover that never gets airborne, the time will stay at 0.
  19. TWR is low Also try using a KR-2L engine for your center core, and only light it up once you drop your first stage.
  20. 1. Do a Mun landing and return without ever opening the map view. No mods either, especially not information-providing mods. Doesn't have to be IVA, just no map. For a greater challenge, do Minmus. For a nearly impossible challenge, do another planet. 2. Land a plane on the island runway, in cockpit view, with the cockpit upside down. Then do it with the cockpit facing backwards.
  21. Looks like you still have half of your fuel left. Did you run out of daylight?
  22. As long as we can agree to all agree with my opinion!
  23. I've seen a similar idea, to basically cover an asteroid with reflective paint to change how much the sun's light pushes on it. You would have to do it a long time in advance, but it would be one of the cheapest, simplest options
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