It is possible to use cheat engine to enable time accelleration. Using it, I used a hohmann transfer orbit from a circular orbit of 51km to a circular orbit of 80,000km (I actually realise now that this is twice as far out as any appropriately scaled moon would be, however it did have an orbital time of 28 days, so it's somewhat close in atleast one way). Once I achieved orbit, there was pretty much no way I'd actually let it run for the full 28 days (or rather 1.4 days using a 20x speedhack. I was able to complete an exit burn that brought me down onto the planet, with 2 further navigational burns at the 40,000 and 5000km mark to bring my vector in line with the planet. I entered the atmosphere at an alarmingly steep angle at 4km/s, before coming down to a quiet landing... (and then blowing up on touchdown, ah, ksp....)