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Everything posted by kr2p

  1. Thank you thats exactly what I was looking for! I was trying the cfg file in the remotecommand parts folder. And I think I'm getting there haha, after spending far too long aiming at the moon and going full throttle with no success, I've learnt to get things safely in orbit around kerbin and then orbit the moon. Its the last bit of actually landing without travelling too fast along the ground and smashing the lander that I still struggle with.
  2. Hi everyone, I did something stupid and got a lander on the mun with a remotecommand module on it to control a mun rover. However, I didn't realise until looking around and finding this page that i needed my command pod to have 5 kerbals in it instead of 3... does anyone know how to edit the config file to change this? I've had a look but can't see any properties that would help with this. I don't want to have to edit my rocket and get it all the way to the moon again because I'm pretty bad at this game and it takes me a while aha.. Thanks!
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