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  1. I like this design. All of those mainsails must really give you some lift off! I see a lot of people on the forums using the nuclear engines for the last stage. I'm going to switch over to those when I decide to shoot for interplanetary. This has given me quite a few ideas, thank you for sharing!
  2. Welcome to the forums! I too am a recent recruit into the Kerbal Space Adventuring family, and I feel your pain in trying to get a jet off the runway. It seems your persistence has paid off though so congratulations! I resigned myself to editing a premade jet for my first fly around It helped me get used to shaping the jets and also helped me get a handle on how they fly. If I might offer some advice, a larger control platform at the posterior section of the wings would help you gain more lift as well as increasing flight stability! Don't be afraid to use the "SAS" options too; Heavens know I can barely fly without them. And as for your question, there's no way to plot waypoints with stock parts or interfaces, but there may be something regarding that in the addons section of the forums. I have just started delving into that behemoth of customization myself so I can't help you out much there, sorry! Again, welcome to the forums and happy exploring! See you, space cowboy!
  3. Ah, thank you! I should have thought of that but I ingrained in my brain that it would be a keystroke responsible for such an action! I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time. Seems perfectly obvious to me now that you've said it. Like they say, hindsight is 20/20, eh? Those are very interesting! I was idly wondering what I would do now that I have getting into the Mun's orbit under my control. It appears that it's time to land and scoot along the surface! Thanks again, Sal!
  4. I have just recently starting indulging in the addiction that is this game, and I must admit I am pleasantly surprised at how much time I can burn sending those daring little Kerbians to their unfortunate doom in the name of Science and manifest destiny! Why, it seems to have usurped the long held title of: "Most Grand Consumer of Free-Time" from the usual Paradox lineup, which is something I never foresaw in my future. As such, I gallantly left my latest vessel to the whims of the Mun's orbit, and signed up on these forums posthaste! Now, it seems only right to explore what the community has brought to the table in regards to any mods that are to be found. As a preliminary, would you readers be so kind as to link to what you would consider essential for a newly dubbed Kerbonaut? With all the choices, I'm not sure where to begin! I also have a simple question that would aid me greatly as I add more and more stages to my rockets. When in the build mode, how does one scroll through the list of stage-contents? ~1/4 of my rocket's parts are off-screen, and I can't seem to find a way to change that! Thanks in advance to all who post in regards to my questions, hello to all of you fellow spacefarers, and cheers to the developers once more for such a great game!
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