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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well that\'s a shame. Though I\'m sure some very cool rotating parts can still be made. Thanks very much for the response Tiberion
  2. Hi all, I haven\'t downloaded any of the 0.14 experimentals, was waiting for the full release, not that I have a choice now , but I have a few questions regarding the new landing leg part and it\'s potential for modding. My understanding of how they work so far is based on videos, such as If anyone has played about with it could they have a look below and answer the questions if possible? Thanks in advance: - Is there only support for rotating parts (as shown in the video) or can parts be moved in plane? E.g. could you create telescopic landing legs? - Is it possible to attach nodes to the articulating parts of the model and have other components move with it? For example, could you create \'deployable\' engines that start tucked in and extend out when required? Think of the ship at the end of First Contact (the Phoenix) where the warp nacelles deploy once in orbit? 3:25 on this video - If the above is possible, could fuel lines be attached to the extending engine and be fed from a central tank without snapping... or would both an engine and tank need to be extended at the same time? Alternatively, could the part set to have fuel flowing through it? Cheers 8)
  3. Awesome!! Fantastic work Timmon
  4. Thanks aLeXmOrA! I hope I do find the time to get back to finish it. The propaganda-type poster aesthetic is a new one for me and I enjoyed creating it, though I'm finding it quite tricky to get right, without getting bogged down in the details.
  5. Hi all, just wanted to share with you all a little something I've been working on. If you're space program is anything like mine then you'll be needing a steady stream of new suckers kerbalnauts to help pilot your rockets in to the ground space. To that end I decided to create a propaganda recruitment poster that might help entice some eager young kerbalnauts to join the KSP: Still got quite a bit to do on it, but I've been sidetracked learning how to make custom parts and I thought I might as well show it as is, rather than having it sit on my computer for ever unfinished! EDIT: cant type :
  6. Thanks Capt'n. I'll hopefully be able to mess about with it more over the weekend and see what I come up with.
  7. Morning all, After much tinkering and muddling through numerous tutorials I've finally figured out the basics of creating parts for KSP and managed to pull together my first custom 2m fuel tank, 2m engine and slimline radial decoupler, and last night got them working in game! ;D Using a modified Part.cfg from the stock engine, my 2m engine currently has the standard smoke / flame FX trail which is located in the middle of the part wheras the model has 4 engine nozzles arrayed around the perimeter, so it looks a little odd and underpowered! Does anyone know if it is possible to scale up the FX trail so it looks better? Alternatively would it be possible to create 4 seperate FX trails and position them in the correct locations, or would this be an issue with performance? Any help would be appreciated, thanks! P.S. Will try and post pics later but I'm now away from my home computer for a couple of days (though I do have a copy of the files on a memory stick) so trying to do what tinkering I can to the CFGs in the meantime.
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