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Everything posted by Grove

  1. Carbon... Based... Lifeforms... Lifeforms Lifeforms ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-based_life
  2. It won\'t end... What makes you think that?
  3. I said WE ARE CARBON BASED LIFEFORMS, not that we are made of carbon (coal/diamonds/graphite etc etc.)
  4. You punch him in his steel nuts and run up one level (54). You see a mini Pandora (Avatar) and you go and have some alien weed. Drugs are bad kids...
  5. Somehow that induced a LOL to my system...
  6. The government of United States of America, is hiding the fact that Extra terrestrials have already visited Earth and are helping e.b.e.\'s to colonize...
  7. That sucks... Don\'t you have saturdays and sundays?
  8. Block from shoutbox! Bitter Lemon Schweppes! Who you gonna call!
  9. Anti-eagle lander lander! Custom stars for everyone! Who you gonna call?
  10. Ghost busters! End of thread! You gonna call noone!
  11. mincespy! Nano-tech! Who you gonna call?
  12. MunMan\'z Cream yoghurt, who you gonna call?
  13. Yay next-week... I am going to my grandmom in the country-side for a few days...
  14. 10/10 hate people who, just don\'t try to embrace new ideas.
  15. You get to level 53... It\'s a tester lab for Alienware™©® pc\'s. They give you the opportunity to play all the games... After a week you continue your way upwards...
  16. 8/10 For INFORMATION\'ZZZSs P.s. you\'re the \'\'president\'\' of RoK, add that!
  17. I like my goats like I like my mushrooms... Potatoes Rainbow refridgerators
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