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Everything posted by andydouble07

  1. Re-did the math and got a slightly different number for my previous attempt. I think I was missing the radial decouplers or something (they're so expensive): tank 850 x4 1600 booster 800 x2 1600 radial decoupler 1275 x2 2550 wing 500 x2 1000 pod 600 x1 600 stack decoupler 975 x1 200 small engine 750 x1 750 mechjeb 550 x1 550 ISA 750 x1 750 engine 850 x1 850 total 13025
  2. For a cost of 10,600, sent a probe to map Mars Duna from a polar orbit. Used the MechJeb and ISA mods.
  3. Well, I made it to Duna, got into a circular and level orbit, made it back, and only barely had enough fuel to make a (somewhat) survivable landing. I don't think I'll be able to find enough extra delta-V in this build to make it to the surface of Duna and back, although I definitely could have made it to the surface and trapped myself there.
  4. I made it to Laythe, but not with enough fuel to do anything fun once I got there (such as returning). I'll probably be trying again.
  5. Not a record breaker but this thing was pretty easy to fly.
  6. Made one that gets into orbit in one shot. I used mech jeb but I don\'t think there were any other non-stock parts. The thing does NOT want to take off, though. There is a huge graveyard of these things at the end of my runway. Should have easily enough fuel visit (but not land on) one of the muns and get back safely.
  7. i think i missed some screens but i got all the goals for the challenge. don\'t even need a huge rocket for this.
  8. it shouldn\'t be possible. the entire rocket has about 2300 m/s of delta v
  9. I\'m not sure if it still exists, but there was a bug where G Forces would increase to rediculous levels when you got really far from the planet. Might want to limit the maximum altitude to 1 Mm or so to prevent that.
  10. 86,641 m your move could probably get a couple km more out of this exact model
  11. Hm... Some testing must be done Full throttle all the way, no technique: 29,404 m Steady 100 m/s until 10km, then full throttle: 42,229 m I guess it makes a pretty big difference.
  12. i was getting absolute slideshows with stock parts and then ending up barely over 2,000 m/s, it might be possible but i doubt my computer can survive it
  13. I'm not sure if it's possible with stock parts, i couldn't get it much faster than 2km/s. Got it (barely) with Sunday Punch/SIDR parts. i think im about 8 m/s above escape velocity, and the tiny booster on my capsule barely managed to turn me around.
  14. got a positive score (298 * 34780) - 83 ^ 3 = 9,792,653
  15. The rocket This was so annoying to fly. It was impossible to keep upright with any less than 36 SAS Dumping the moon into orbit After about an orbit, back at perigee Transferring out of orbit, cya moon Touchdown!
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