I picked up the game after the xkcd comic (as I'm sure a number of people did) and started wasting waaay too much time with it immediately. Got to the Mun fairly fast (rather too fast, actually): I like to imagine that my Kerman's last hours were spent gazing forlornly at the Earth on the horizon as life support in his command module slowly failed. The second Mun landing of note touched down almost softly enough: One of the engines on the landing craft broke off on landing, but the return rocket was enough on its own to get back to Kerbin. Yay! So the other day I finally landed perfectly on Mun without exploding, tumbling, or breaking any parts off: This was from the same model craft as the 2nd landing, with the nice landing gear and plenty of engines... but I burned fuel carelessly and ran out during final approach to Mun. My only choice was to jettison the landing gear and fire the return-stage rocket to keep from crashing. Just for grins I thought I'd try landing my tiny needle rocket on RCS and one engine. Success was a huge surprise. So, my first intact landing. Anyway, hello, all! -- KeiranH