I very much like the idea of being able to find crashed landers, and maybe a crashed UFO with the possibility of advanced parts if you can find it, seems like a good way of encouraging players to explore in career mode when it comes out, instead of turtling up in their space center while the research is done. Good for general atmosphere as well. My suggestion would be subterrainian cities, perhpas accessable only through a tiny aperture in the surface, and a large, but very confined and built up space underneath, perhaps with some unique haunting music to play, and mysterious lights flashing at you from juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust out of sight, and objects whistling past your nose, too fast to identify anything but a fleeting shadow. But at the bottom, or at the cities core, would lie the best tech in the game, and your only clue to get there a mysterious radio signal, coming from just outside of kerbins reception range. For the gas giants, It could instead be a large, derelict airship, broken almost in half 2/3 of the way down it, the aft section hanging on by the craft's spine, the wreck dangling from 2 large balloons, with the burst remains of a third one suspended limply below the construction, swinging eereily on its rope with a mournful squeal......... Or perhaps a mysterious object in deep space, and when you examine it,Makes the screen go tripy breifly, and when it clears, you are out in another part of space, a whole other system, with only the vaguest of cues as to how to get back. Would probably help to have the kethane mod in that last one though, or else be stuck. It could be like the nether, starts off as a mysterious, horrifying landscape, ends up your own personal home away from home. Aside from the creepy stuff, the wreck of the Rebel Flagship from FTL would be cool, and I wouldnt object to seeing a drifting Serenity, either.