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Soporific Donkey

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  1. Hey, had a look at the file. Maybe its a conversion thing (I'm using 3dsmax) but trying to edit the smoothing groups of that mesh didn't work. I've had a similar issue before and had to reset the mesh normals (I don't know how you do this in blender) using an edit normal modifier in 3dsmax. I also had a peak at your UV's and noticed a lot of the seams are not welded. You may want to fix this as each split adds to the vertex count (see the image bellow) which is inefficient. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34112[/ATTACH] If you want more info read the section "Welcome to Splitsville" located here. Anyway, I've uploaded a version with it fixed for you and a version with fixed UV's but you would have to remake your texture to use it (but I did a simple blockout for you to help). You can get the files here. Hope it helps.
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