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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Eeek, I was contemplating taking the step to 3.2x but 10x sounds scary =S I just decided to think of the rescaling as shrinking the Kerbals rather that enlarging the system. Btw, how are antennae range affected by the rescale?
  2. Ok, do you mean mods that give you bigger engines and boosters? =)
  3. Wohoo! =D Hmmm, sigma dimensions sounds interesting... how much harder is it to play with an upscaled star system?
  4. Great mod! =D I read that you're soon releasing a new version, yay! Will there be any tasty new features in it? =)
  5. Haha, did not know you could do this =P
  6. Hi! I can't get struts to link with each other while on EVA. When I right click on a attached strut no menu pops up. (I'm using an Engineer with an equipped screwdriver) I'm using the stock strut part since the old special part called "strut endpoint" seem to have been removed.
  7. Hmmm, maybe it's both! Would be nice with some fancy Holiday rocket building! But I might have enough to do already with Elite: Dangerous releasing tomorrow =D
  8. Did anyone else notice the hidden date in the Cinematic trailer for 0.9? http://youtu.be/wYHQ2onwtK4 At around 1:37 the digits "0.9" changes to "26" for a very short moment. So could the 26 of Dec be the release date perhaps? =D
  9. Now when I think of it, it was probably after going from time warp back to normal. But it didn't happen until I started maneuvering/thrusting again. I will take the advice of de-warping one step at a time and see if it helps! =) I was very sad when I'd finally made it all the way into an Eve orbit and my engine fell off
  10. Hi! I've had some problems with the one of the new engines in 0.17, the LV-N atomic engine. Several times the engine has simply been torn off my spacecraft. This has always happened in empty space (no atmosphere to drag it off) and it seem to happen when I turn the engine on after it has been completely off. Oh, and it is not an overheating problem. Has anyone else had this problem? Or is it maybe a built in feature to represent the exceptional build-quality of Kerbal spacecraft parts
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