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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Umm.. well what for transforms do I have to apply?
  2. Hi all, I have a little problem with my animation: I designed a command pod an buildet an animation for heatshields shifting in front of the window when activated. After many tutorials and hours of try and error the animation is working now, but for some reason the heatshield is floating about a half meter above my command pod. I would be very thankful if somebody can help me with this problem because otherwise evrything around me will just explode by my rage... Greetings from danmark, Rodney edtit: I buildet the animation in blender, exported it into unity and from there to ksp.
  3. Hi, I have the same problem, but this doesnt work for me :/ edit: I got it... first i lowered the whole with the game object but you have to lower your part under 0 but I got another problem :/ I know it doesn't belong here but maybe somebody can help me. I use ksp 23 and I buildet two pods: both are very similar but I can only select one of them as first part the other is not available until you selectet another first part. (like the external seat) anybody an idea what I did wrong?!
  4. Hi! I followed the tutorial from ben, but I had a few problems: first my part was black then it was grey like in blender... I can't figure out how to apply texture to it... I tried everything. Next Problem: Frist I created a clean copy of ksp, then I made a new folder with the PNG, the CFG and the DAE. but it didnt work... I downloaded the testcube from Ben and I noticed there was a folder called Mesh. so I copied this folder into my part folder and BOOM! it worked but it still doesn't have any texture... can somebody please tell me abut the MSH, MDL and V4 files in the mesh folder??? and why didnt it worked with the texture?! And I got another problem: I followed exactly Bens tutorial with the radial fueltank. With try and error I figured out how to define the node definitions and i added a decoupler module and all this worked fine. But then I got the idea to add an engine under the fueltank so I addet a new cylinder in Bender, but the cylinder later appears INSIDE the fueltank and not beneath it! What do I have to do so the cylinder which represnts the engine (opticaly) is below the fueltank and not inside it?! And finally I got a last question: long time ago I saw in a modding tutorial a program for the connection node definitions where you can see the part that you have created and move the nodes to the right place like a pivot... can somebody tell me where to download it please? Greetings from denmark, Rodney
  5. Is there any way to fix it? because when I changed to the tracking station and then to the ship again, everithing was alright. even though I activated and deactivated the lazor system.
  6. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lazor-guided-weapons/ But I have another Problem: I buildet a shuttle, and used mechjeb AND lazor guidet flight. But during flight (I tryed all available settings) very often appeared the issue, that the ship started to spin after I disabled the lazor guidet flight. Does anyone know this issue or what i am doin wrong???
  7. thx i searched for this package but.. i couldn' find it
  8. Hey guys! I am searching for some BIG retractable solar panels If anybody know where to get some please post download link... Can't find them...;.;
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