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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I would love that. I cannot STAND the current (un)organization. I have some parts with the red texture glitch, and I have so many parts I don\'t even bother trying to pick out which ones they are. We need something like this. :\'( PLEASE STICKY!!
  2. (Pentakis(Tetroxotribullshitide)Unobtainium, or Ub(O4Bs3)5) lolololololol
  3. Seems pretty cool. So it slowly overheats, and you can't really do anything about that?
  4. Can't wait! By far my favorite pack, can't wait to see what else you come out with! ;P
  5. Apparently this board doesn't have a sense of sarcasm.
  6. PLEASE MAKE THIS AND RELEASE IT. I check this every day to no avail. :'(
  7. Looks really pretty, but the DL link doesn't work (for me at least)
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