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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. *Fanboy squealing and frothing at the mouth* DO WANT No but srsfaec thanks for doing this. I tried it on a smaller scale but couldn't get the whole "Flying in a straight line and not into the ground at high, medium, or low velocity" thing down. Now back to fanboying...
  2. @Thegamer THat seems just a bit over the top. Maybe someone else or some time in the future, but I persoanally would love to see BD continue as he is now, making awesome splodey-death-boom things
  3. @ Buddertroll I'd hazard a guess at 1.5 - 1km, maybe 2km if you're feeling flighty or .01 if you're Jeb's cousin (Jeb never flares)
  4. Squares, triangles. That's the only one I could think of. Edit: FF I forgot to thank you. I feel like a donkey ;;o;;
  5. Just stick the thing on a turret, then you can aim it point blank
  6. Jeb on a bike, man! Dat howitzer! And more MSSLZ!! <3 And earlier you said railguns didn't have great use because of their intended range, to which I would like to point out you would make my kitten cry if you drop the idea of the railguns. You wouldn't want sad kitties now would you? :'C Plus, I have many a time wanted to point-blank some of the more inept test subjects with a railgun. I mean, the craft crashing had everything to do with them and not me, right?
  7. 1: THAT QUESTION MARK! It makes me question the questionableness of.. Dunno what I'm saying. 2: Railgunz? MhmhmhmhMHMhmHMm~ Yes please 3: Rocket pods... I must agree profusely. Just those three things (Or really just the railguns) have lead me to further watch this thread. If I could throw science at you I would, but I can't land on the mun yet due to me being a bit of a nub. And to be honest, I've seen all I need to in the todo, all my suggestions that I would have made are there, so, yes please? Keep up the good work! Happy crashing, fellow kerbonaut!
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