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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Ah after little checking what is in config, I was building satellites with Probodobodyne HECS ( standard command body part ) which is not configured in RemoteTech.cfg, so if anybody wants to add it, edit the file and add: @PART[probeCoreHex] { !MODULE[ModuleCommand] {} MODULE { name = ModuleRemoteTechSPU minimumCrew = 0 EnergyDrain = 0.01666667 isRemoteCommand = false } }
  2. Hello all, does anyone else have also issue with the remotetech probe parts ? I have downloaded, put it to the GameData folder and nothing.. the probe bodies does not work. My current dir looks like: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData: . . . RemoteTech ( the main plugin ) RemoteTech_MM_ProbeCompatibility . . . I have also tried move files out of RemoteTech_MM_ProbeCompatibility and different combinations, but to no avail :-/ Any ideas ?
  3. Hello All, I'm working on my HW controller but strugling with output from KSP, basically waht I would need is plugin that send data to serial port every 1/2 sec in format "P <total fuel in craft> <left fuel in craft> <total ele. charge> <charge left> <current stage number> <total stage numbers> <SAS OFF/ON just as number 1/0> <same as SAS but for RCS > But i'm not sure if its even possible to open com port from KSP, could some more skilled plugin developer have a look and point me to right direction ? Thanks, Vlad
  4. anybody else having problem with icons being just red question marks ? I have downloaded clean KSP and latest build, extracted to GameData, plugin will load but no icons... ---\\--- Also no missions to select :-/ Scratch that, I'm just a moron who didn't copy the root folder its working now ...
  5. Is it possible to edit groups after the ship is in space already ? My issue is that I have on ship two Rotatrons, that in the beggining are inone group, so when I rotate one it rotate the other as well, I kind of need to separate them so I can controll each one separatelly, without relunching the whole mission again.. Any idea how to do that ? I was looking in save file for the group but couldn't find it there
  6. Would be nice to have ability to register users with name and password, to prevent name stealing in server. Could use SQLite and simple file database structure, directly in game log in. Its just mine two cents, love the plugin/mod !
  7. Hello boys and girls ( and Kerbals in between ), Not sure if there is already something like this but here is simple script solution to run KLF in screen on linux. As I run proper server I prefer things running without need of open console. What you need: KLFServer.exe ( I will end up in silicone hell for running .exe on linux ) mono ( on ubuntu install via apt-get install mono-complete ) screen ( usually already in your linux distribution, if not, install... ) Two scripts in the same directory preferable: start.sh ksp_start.sh Now what is inside them you ask ? start.sh #!/bin/bash # open screen window, name it ksp and start the script ksp_start.sh in it screen -S ksp -t ksp -d -m /ksp/ksp_start.sh * note I have path to /ksp/ksp_start.sh, I like to use full path to the script your location might differ ( consult you doctor or apothecary ) ksp_start.sh #!/bin/bash # this will be executed inside previously opened screen window mono /ksp/KLFServer.exe Make both script executable with chmod +x ksp_start.sh start.sh Usage: cd to directory where you have these files. ./start.sh and its done... if you wanna look inside the running screen issue: screen -r ksp To jump out of screen without terminating session: ctrl+a+d This might be trivial for linux veterans, but somebody might find it useful.. One issue I have found and not have time to solve is that mono require root access for some stupid reason, I will have a look at that as that's not something I like to see. Enjoy, Vladoportos
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