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Everything posted by SirTipiET

  1. How come is controlled wave-gliding a bug? what stops you from doing it in real life?
  2. I tried to take off from water with radial thrusters... don't even think about it. (airplane)
  3. Air France Space Sailplane Unlimited range, Can take off and land safely. Do not know the air ceiling, up to you to test it out. DL Link : http://fbe.am/cDs Password: TheFrenchAreBetterThanU
  4. So, I was tinkering around yesterday for 6 hours randomly making saves and not even getting airborne. Today, i checked out what i did, and it's AMAZING!!! I basically made a plane that can fly without any engine power (should the engine fall off or you wish to conserve fuel), discovered that accidentally) Guide to flying : 1) Controls : W-Pitch down S-Pitch up A-Turn Left D-Turn Right Q-Roll left E-Roll right G- Rise/Lower landing gear 2)Recommended usage: # 1) Put engine thrust at the first long stripe 2) Wait til 70 m/s 3) Press S to lift off 4) Shut down the engines with either x or right click-deactivate. #SAILING: Just glide through the air with W,S,Q and E All you need is initial speed. I haven't tested the flight ceiling of this capability yet, but i managed to circumnavigate Kerbin. 3) Stages 1- Start engines 2- failsafe stage (in case you press SPACE by accident) 3- Open parachutes Download Link : http://fbe.am/cDs Download Link Password: TheFrenchAreBetterThanU For newcomers : extract it to Ships/SPH If you put it in a youtube video, please link to my channel : ETTipi, otherwise I'll sue you. (jk) ### UPDATE ### I'm working on a plane capable of taking off from water, I've cracked the landing, but when I try to dust off, my computer crashes due to the water splashing. PICS:
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