I found Mechjeb very useful in the beginning. I had it do everything. I even cheated my science value to enable all of its features. But: I started a new career last weekend and decided not to do that again, to gain the science by myself. And: It worked out somehow. I got some vessels into orbit without the ascend guidance of Mechjeb, I got three scansats around Kerbin and one in each orbit of Mun and Minmus. One thing I would never figured out if I would have used Mechjeb: That the "Add Maneuver" button in the flightpath is actually having a very nice functionality. That way I got to Mun and Minmus without much effort. I would have never found that out with Mechjeb. Shame on me... But as I am lazy I will probably use Mechjeb to get into orbit, once I unlock the ascend guidance... And I am sure I will source out Landing once I can handle it myself. This is what I've always done: Learn something and then let others do it and go ahead. I went from notepad website creation to WYSIWYG once I was good enough at it (ages ago).