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Posts posted by gamerhater

  1. Cute little plane there. I might use a variant of that for rescuing stranded pilots, since that actually matters now.

    I've always wanted to try kethane on planes. The only problem I think I'd have is that I'm not that great at atmospheric landings, and might miss the deposit. Then again... it has wheels and can take off at will... so not really an issue.

    I actually took that a step further and made an SSTO which supposedly has enough DV to make it to other planets. Have yet to really test it though. Landing a plane horizontally on a planet/moon with no atmosphere is gonna be fun. :)



    Can you upload the craft file for this? If not that's fine.

  2. I actually have added a similar structure to the bottom, but struts are better in tension than compression (regardless of their actual strength), so it hasn't had the effect I wanted. This structure will always fundamentally be a tension structure, no matter what I do.

    Well, I wish you the best of luck in finding a system that helps. Tension is always an issue with anything on a large scale.

  3. This is cool! I have an idea though... I think if you made a support system on the under side on the station, it might help the vibration problem. This is just an opinion. I don't know much about this game but I can help with structural issues. Another idea is to arch the already available support struts to help with the height distribution.

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