I don´t know if i have fellow Evangelion fans here, but this is the fist creation i've decided to share in the forums, this is in fact, my first thread. First of all excuse my english, not my first language, first some pics: I tried to make it the most alike possible with the several mods i have in my KSP but without making custom parts myself. I did buffed the cfg for the external fuel tanks that i used as Landing gear suports tough, not in an unrealist matter, since real life external fuel tanks usually weight close to 1kg per liter of fuel caring and i used that formula (kerosane actually weights 0.8kg per liter so the rest is weight for the scructure of the tank). This is a SSTO and also Mun lander capable craft, but VERY hard to control for several reasons: 1) Very low lift, this is the nature of the original design, only small wings holds the engines nacelles and they can´t be very long otherwise the increased momentum would make the engines wobble too much 2) While the ship showed to be actually a viable and controllabe design it MUST have extended advanced and automatic throttle/tilrotor controlls and be a full fly-by-wire craft. While the game actually does make a good job on automatic directing and adjusting the angles of all the controlls, rudders wings and thurst vectors, they are, however oriented in the navball direction and assume all thruster are in the same direction axis, the automatic controlls does not account for the variable angle of the VTOL controll, 3) even worse, the best MOD that allows controllable mechanical moving parts on a shift, where extremely good, thanks in advance for the creator, does not allow a more fully customizable speed/angle dependency and automatic sas controll while calculating the thurst direction, well of course i imagine that would be too hard do program, so you have to manually adjust the main engine nacelles thurst angle AND: 4) THE AUXILIARY TAIL THRUSTERS. That's right, that is indeed present in the original design, even when i tried to simplify the desing and allign perfectly the engine thursters with the center of gravity the craft proved to be even harder to controll without the tail stabilizers thursters, so i kept the two separete controlls, even tough they are cubbersome to control simultaneously. You should be gentle with them and abuse of RCS and SAS controll while gently turning both thursters. That should, of course be an automatically function 5) Abismal poor Roll control, That's right, the original design does not have horizontal stabilizers, instead have large rudders, that is pretty dumb so if you roll while acelerating more than 15 degrees, you'll lose controll, disable the thurst and rely on rcs. I added LOTS of powerfull rcs thursters all over the craft to help stabilize it and save the ship in a out of controll spins. They are not mandatory tough, you could fly the ship, even in space, entirely without rcs, but with the poor and slow separated controls of the tail thursters and main engines that proves to be very difficult, specially because while the ship gets lighter by burning fuel, the center of gravity will change and demand different adjusts of controlls. I had to rebuild the ship from scratch three times till finally fouding the best stable design. The ship is too heavy to use actual standard jet engines, while it is possible to make it lighter with less fuel and non-horbital, i would have to completely rebuild it and the center of gravity would be harder to be put forward on the ship. I used SEVERAL mods if anyone actually WANTS this ship i will try posting all of them here, you can try of course figure they out by the pics.