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Community Answers

  1. Stargate525's post in Why isn't my mun periapsis showing on encounter? was marked as the answer   
    That's because when you cross over into the Mun's SOI, you'll find you're on a collision course with it.
  2. Stargate525's post in "geosynchronous" polar orbit was marked as the answer   
    You calculate the orbital period (the amount of time it takes to make a complete orbit), and make it match a multiple of 6 hours. That way it'll sync up with the planet's rotation in some manner. If you want it 1:1, you put a satellite into a regular geosync orbit, but rotated 90 degrees.
  3. Stargate525's post in How to change age of station for contract problems was marked as the answer   
    hit alt+f12

    Go to 'contracts'

    Find the contract that's bugged
    hit 'Com'
    That will force the contract to complete.
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