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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. Today, Jeb found something strange on the Mun. Because he ran out of fuel (again) and had to wait 7 hours for the rescue vehicle to arrive, he decided to climb the whateverthisis. And while he was happy going blind staring into the sunset... ...he missed out on one of the most impressive events in recent history: Kerbinrise!!! SPOILER ALERT: [ There is no special surface to sample atop the Pyramids ]
  2. I did not notice that option, but I will recheck. Apart from that, having to EVA to every experiment to store it in the lab... that's grinding, because it's no challenge. It's work. What about a "store and reset" button? I think if you do science on the poles and equators of Kerbin, Mun and Minmus and you get a little lucky catching the valuable altitudes above them, you can max out the tech tree without even knowing that biomes exist at all. But mapping is so much fun! Plus, I do not have enough time to spare to search the whole universe for easter eggs and puzzles. I need specific hints where to find them. In game hints. Reading about it on the Internet takes most of the fun out of discovering stuff. And I haven't seen a single space kraken jet That's a question how you play a game. I like progress. Starting out small and getting rewarded with shiny new things for virtual goals makes me feel a little better about myself when I am wasting my time in front of a computer all night I think of science simply as cargo that I have to gather from space and bring home to Kerbin. For me the game has a little more tension since 0.22, because when you lose a ship on your way home, it was not just a ship... it was SCIENCE!!! And I still have to think how to solve a problem with the parts at hand. Other people like thewinterowl on youtube mod the bejeezus out of their game, create their own parts, ignore clipping, carry tons of fuel in tiny canisters and make tiny engines most powerful, just to get a nice looking spaceship... but I myself like to play as intended... so give me my mapping device already, SQUAD!!! Please?
  3. How? Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but "storing" an experiment renders the device useless. By "storing" I mean, get Jeb EVA, grab the Goo and have him put it in the Lab. After that, the Goo Canister is broken. When I am analyzing the experiment and then reset the Goo Canister, the Lab has no stored experiments. I would love to use one canister and the lab for all my Goo experiments and then return home... maybe I'm doing it wrong? And I agree, that science isn't exactly a grind, but it would be nice, if there was some hint, that conditions have changed and new experiments are due. Right now it's randomly clicking the experiments and hoping, that science points occur. A mapping device of some sort would be most helpful and also damn realistic.
  4. In real life that is very true. In a game it just makes things cumbersome. There is more than enough science to do in the kerbyway. If one spot is explored, let's move on to another one, please
  5. I like the idea behind the science system, but I don't like the way it is implemented yet. For instance: Why do I have to deliver the same experiment multiple times to get the full science? If I successfully return a surface-sample or a goo-canister, that should always be 100% of the science. Right now I have to repeat all experiments 3 times. Pack 3 servings of goo, shovel 3 surface-samples and I need the same amount of Material Bays. Why can't you store full experiments in the lab? As I read the changelog I thought you could store the experiment in the lab, regoo your canister and are good to go for another experiment. Right now the lab with the transmission bonus is useless to me, because since there are TWO innocent Kerbins aboard I absolutely HAVE to return it. Only unmanned vessels may be left in my kerbiversum. What's "current data value" and why is it counted backwards?!? There is "too much" science to be done manually. Temperature on the launchpad, temperature slightly above the launchpad, temperature a little more above the launchpad, temperature almost above the launchpad, temperature above the launchpad............ If the thermometer says "log temperature" why do I have to carry 20 of them to "log" the temperature? Just solder a little SD-card on there and let it log all the temperature-zones it moves through itself, because nobody knows where the boundaries are. Plus, once you have a temperature/pressure log and the respective zones of a flight, you can plan goo- and material-experiments according to that. There are no long-term-experiments It would be awesome if Squad would implement the mapsat-mod into the vanilla game and every map would automatically gain science according to its detail. I know science and missions are still WIP and there are many things to come, I'm just saying they are not quite there yet. @Kerbart I think missions are reserved to gain money. So do science, to research the parts, do missions to actually buy them. Greetings, Zapp.
  6. Banned for an insufficient amount of "p" in Zapp!
  7. I would love some technology to find these EasterEggs without reading the Forums or reverse engineering game files. Maybe three seperate antennas, you have to place in the surface to triangulate the low emissions of a small artifact... or satellites for the larger objects, because honestly, I don't have that much spare time to spend in KSP to just stumble about those things... and of course I don't want to spoil myself either. I know about the MuonDetector "thewinterowl" uses to find tombstones on the mun... but he hasn't found just one in the last few months. I would rather place some detectors and get the exact location of all EasterEggs in range revealed to me.
  8. I actually read that, understood half of it, read some more, and am now pretty sure, that it is possible to run threads alongside Unity and use actual system functions to parallelize your heavy calculations and feed them back to Unity. So maybe OpenCL would be a great term to mention right here? Because I am pretty sure there will be much more processing power needed, once realistic wings and better drag and reentry heat and all that stuff should be implemented into the game... I am excited about all that, but also a little worried that it will not compute. Also Unity4 is about to be released soon enough that you can pre-order it already. I have not read any specific words about out of the box multi-threading, but it seems to focus a lot more on graphics than physics... but still it's nice to know things are coming
  9. I hear some of you saying, that we have to wait until Unity manages to utilize multiple cores... how likely is it for that to happen any time soon? Has anyone some information about this? And if the devs already use PhysX, shouldn't there be a possibility to outsource most of the calculations to the GPU? I run the game on an i7-2820QM @ 2300MHz, 12GB RAM and a nVidia GeForce GTX 580M and it runs fine once the ship is out of the atmosphere. What sucks is the time it takes to get a new ship on the pad, because at least for me, it takes a LOT of trials and errors until a new steakhouse rocket handles like a bistro. Also it takes precious seconds to switch through time multipliers... many brave Kerbonauts lost their lives landing on them Mun 1000 times faster than usual, because I hit the wrong button again... silliy me, but why is there no single shiny "back to realtime" button? So failure is getting pretty frustrating pretty fast in KSP... and time consuming, too. But the feeling you get the moment you land something exactly where you've planned it is at least worth 21 bucks, no questions asked And anyone who can't think his/her own story to play in the Kerbin orbit is just not into space after all, hence a different audience.
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