I like the idea behind the science system, but I don't like the way it is implemented yet. For instance: Why do I have to deliver the same experiment multiple times to get the full science? If I successfully return a surface-sample or a goo-canister, that should always be 100% of the science. Right now I have to repeat all experiments 3 times. Pack 3 servings of goo, shovel 3 surface-samples and I need the same amount of Material Bays. Why can't you store full experiments in the lab? As I read the changelog I thought you could store the experiment in the lab, regoo your canister and are good to go for another experiment. Right now the lab with the transmission bonus is useless to me, because since there are TWO innocent Kerbins aboard I absolutely HAVE to return it. Only unmanned vessels may be left in my kerbiversum. What's "current data value" and why is it counted backwards?!? There is "too much" science to be done manually. Temperature on the launchpad, temperature slightly above the launchpad, temperature a little more above the launchpad, temperature almost above the launchpad, temperature above the launchpad............ If the thermometer says "log temperature" why do I have to carry 20 of them to "log" the temperature? Just solder a little SD-card on there and let it log all the temperature-zones it moves through itself, because nobody knows where the boundaries are. Plus, once you have a temperature/pressure log and the respective zones of a flight, you can plan goo- and material-experiments according to that. There are no long-term-experiments It would be awesome if Squad would implement the mapsat-mod into the vanilla game and every map would automatically gain science according to its detail. I know science and missions are still WIP and there are many things to come, I'm just saying they are not quite there yet. @Kerbart I think missions are reserved to gain money. So do science, to research the parts, do missions to actually buy them. Greetings, Zapp.