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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Dang, that late.. Do you know if it's a normal livestream? Will they release .22? or what is it about?
  2. Hey I read the tweet from KSP saying the livestream is today 0:00GMT, could anyone really tell me when that's, CET? Thaaanks :9
  3. Do you have any screenshots of it ? But at the same time, do you guys have any good rover designs? I'm weird when it comes to rover... I think flat rovers look more like rovers that kerbals sit on, but I mean rovers that is abit bigger, almost like curiosity design. any tips, screenshots?
  4. Yeah, I'm using 3 of those 1500 thrust engines to get me out of orbit + like 4 boosters.. and from there I'm using 4 atomic engines, but I think the design is very heavy, so I want to see if someone has any ideas. I saw some videos on YouTube where people used simple rockets.
  5. Nice Yeah, I'd imagine I need something alittle bigger than that xD
  6. Hey I've been playing KSP since the free Alpha version, and since they made Duna, I've always tried to find an efficent way to get there. But utntil now, I haven't really been able to do it right, I guess. I got a few rovers on Duna, but they were sent with huge rockets, and I barely had any fuel left over. Can anyone post a picture of a simple rocket design (SIMPLE) that can take rovers to Duna? :D
  7. Okay so, people are saying the game can't handle this or that, or this is impossible or that is impossible.. But during the last KSP dev team livestream the devs said the multiplayer subject for KSP won't be serious until the singleplayer version of KSP is 100% done.
  8. Hey I've experienced some lag on the Mun lately, and I was wondering if it's a bug with 0.21 or my computer. My PC is good and shouldn't have any problems with KSP. Help?
  9. Hello The creativity in me struck me when I saw the 0.20 release info. What did I do? http://imageshack.us/f/195/ksp2.png/ http://imageshack.us/f/849/kspw.png/
  10. The Source folder, where is it suppose to go?
  11. Easier said, I need solar panels that can go in and out.. some really cool ones..
  12. Where am I suppose to put all of the files for Kosmos? I have a bunch of folders, and a couple of dll. files..
  13. Nice, the first looks awesome. But in the file, theres like 22 folders, am I suppose to put all of them into the /Parts folder? Thank you so much btw !
  14. Hey. I'm New to the game, I bought it yesterday, so I'm not really that greate yet.. But I wanna build a big spacestation, and a couple of satelites. So far I've made 2 satelies With a mod that I can't remember the name of, but I want solar panels that og straight out, like really cool solar panels. I also need stuff that spacestations and satelites should have, but I can't find the right Things. Can anyone help me With this? Dan. PS: Thank you game Developers for making me hooked to another game..
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