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Everything posted by destroyer2012

  1. I think we all know the main reason to play this game is to achieve great things. But what are some ways we can record our achievements? Flags are a good start, but you don't have to come back to put a flag down, which is substantially harder to do. The ability to recover your ships is nice but it doesn't write down what you recovered anywhere so that's no good either. Here's my suggestion then: Allow space ships to get covered in various colors of dirt from being in the atmospheres or landing on other planets. Nothing like returning to kerbin in your reusable space plane covered in green dust from your awesome Jool aerobrake or having your landers be covered in streaks of variously covered dirt, proportional to how well you managed your landing! Or maybe you skidded to a stop in your rover and now it's covered in Duna-dust. I think this would add a lot to the game graphically, immersively, and just overall awesomeness. It's a great incentive to reuse your designs because now you can have a space plane covered with the dust of several different planets, how awesome is that!? Once on your ship the dirt would gradually fade away, maybe leaving just a slight trace of color so your ship doesn't end up looking like a ball of mud.
  2. For those of us that do have 3d printers at home, how can we get a 3d model to print out?
  3. Why don't they just make it so you can select which objects are grouped and which aren't? Many times I have experienced mirrored engines being grouped incorrectly, it would be great if the user could fix that, or even ungroup eight-fold symmetry so it is easier to create asparagus-style groupings. just make a little [+] sign on the ones that are grouped, and then one could, if they want, expand that group, or just drag the group as a whole. That would be nice.
  4. Very cool. I will def try out these PID values and see if they make my rockets less wobbly, thanks for the effort!
  5. If you don't like re-entry then just end flight once your ships get close to kerbin. Right now it is way too easy to land on planets that have an atmosphere. All you do is aerobrake at some ridiculous speed and then have the atmosphere slow you down until you can deploy parachutes. All re-entry will do is make it more challenging to land on planets with atmospheres, which are the more interesting planets anyway, so why shouldn't it be more challenging to land on them? In addition, the standard trajectory to Jool involves aerocapture in Jool's atmosphere which, combined with Jool's large SOI make trips to Jool require essentially the same rockets as one would use to get to Duna. Don't you think it should be harder to travel to such an interesting, rewarding destination?
  6. This is really awesome! Do you have any videos of forklifting base components? How much can it lift? Care to share the craft file?
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