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Everything posted by StiflingJESTER

  1. I hope I wont get introuble for posting these here but I feel like Hooligan needed to see them. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34964[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34965[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34966[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34967[/ATTACH] Things I will be doing for the Mk2 Rescue Blimp 1. More Fuel I would like its range to be at least all the way around the world. 2. Rotating engines The engines need to rotate so I can counteract the forward lean. Hooligan I hope this is what you imagined when you made this amazing mod.
  2. Just made a rescue Blimp for saving kerbals! I LOVE THIS!!! If I can ever figure out getting pics and crafts out of the game I will post pictures. I say again I LOVE THIS!!!
  3. Ok I have tried. WOW we need keels my boats spin like tops! Were no kerbal has gone before THE OCEAN!
  4. OK I am inspired time to make a kerbal Navy to join my Air Force then we weaponize space
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