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Everything posted by shea1980

  1. Hi all,i was wondering can someone plaese tell me who,s video tutorial are best to watch,as i am new to the game and i am totally crap at playing it,most of which is that i havent a clue what sas and other thing do,any help would be great.thanks all:confused:
  2. Hi all,i was just wondering how do you guys put space stations in space?do i need a mod to do it,also is it possible to create stations on other planets,if so how.thanks all
  3. Hi all i have a quick question,when i tryed the demo i had traning video,s about how to take off and the aircraft functions and it but now i have the full game all i have is orbiting 101 and to the mun part 1,is this all the traning video,s that are in the game?
  4. hi i,i have tryed the demo and loved it,i have bought the game and was just wondering which mods should i use if any,and where do the mods install?thanks all:)
  5. Thats fantastic thanks m8 for you quick responce
  6. Hi all,i am new to the forum i just have a few quick questions,i was just wondering if this is a single player game,also i was just wondering what is the objective of the game,and if there are many missions in singleplayer.one last question is Kerbal Space Program only avalible to buy on the the devs website,also do i use my registration from the forum for my login at the main page,thanks in advance all:confused:
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