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  1. Thrust = fuel rate * g * Isp Or if you're interested in the fuel rate only: fuel rate = Thrust / (g*Isp) Where g is the standard acceleration of gravity - 9.81 meter/sec^2
  2. Since this is getting opened up to books, there are lot of other deserving mentions. The Red/Green/Blue Mars trilogy of book by Kim Stanley Robinson was pretty good. It chronicles the colonization and gradual terraforming of mars over the 21st and 22nd centuries. In terms of hard-scifi, there is none harder. Every bit of technology described is at least physically possible. KSR read "The Case for Mars" by Zubrin and decided to dramatize it - and he did so very well. My only criticism is that as the trilogy progresses the author more and more possess the characters and stands on the proverbial soap-box to preach his personal political/social ideas. The Ender's Game series deserves at least a mention. I picked up "Ender's Game" over a decade ago and it has been one of my favorite books ever since. The premise is that Earth has (barely) repelled two alien invasions. In preparation for an inevitable 3rd attack, children with the right personality traits are selected for military training, in the hopes of producing a leader able to protect humanity when the 3rd invasion arrives. The book covers the time immediately before, during, and after the main character Andrew "Ender" Wiggin goes to this battle school. Social themes include the legitimate and preemptive use of force and war. Personal themes include the ethics of deliberate isolation and molding of someone else for a greater good. There's a reason it's recommended reading in the U.S. military. Unfortunately, the rest of the series rapidly declined in quality. The first sequel, "Speaker for the Dead", was at least decently written, but went in an entirely different direction from what I expected. As for the next 2 sequels "Xenocide" and "Children of the Mind".....the less said the better. The companion series that begins with "Ender's Shadow" actually is a much better continuation of the story that began in "Ender's Game". It also stayed much stronger over the course of the series, with Books 1-3 being high quality. Book 4 however was entirely unecessary, and just aggravating in most points.
  3. There is a little remembered sci-fi cartoon from the early 90s that holds fond memories for me titled "Exosquad". The premise was that in the far future humanity had created a genetically engineered race of slaves named "Neo-Sapiens" who rose in revolt and made humans the second class citizens. The show follows the story of the following human rebellion. I haven't watched it since it first aired, but I remember it being pretty good. I think it's available on Netflix.
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