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Everything posted by coruun

  1. coruun


    Is the reputation system messed up? There are 562 users with reputation level "Is on a distinguished road". Most of them have not a single post.
  2. And how fine would it do with Steam? You have to remember, that Minecraft is another genre and has a better approachability. Since this is another discussion I would refer to this thread. The OP asked for Greenlight, which is simply an option to advertise KSP to Valve. Most games won't release on Steam until they are finished (I think). But: Some games can be activated before they release in the Steam Store. This means you can't buy it in the store, but if you bought it from the developer, you can use Steam's update service. Why not? Steam is not exclusive, so you have the option to play it from the KSP-store.
  3. From the economical point of view, KSP has to launch on Steam. Normally, if you write a piece of software, you try to reach an audience as large as possible to get as much money as possible. And the argument, that you need to launch Steam to play it, is absurd. It was already mentioned, that M&B doesn't need this. You can add nearly every game which was released in a Humble Indie Bundle, since 80-90% of these games can be activated on Steam but have also a DRM-free installer (criterion for HIB).
  4. Same here... No confirmation mail. Only the mail, which was quoted by HarbingeR.
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