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Everything posted by Puggy

  1. These videos are really useful! I've only been playing 2-3 days so still getting sue to it. I flew 2 ships up and tried to swap crew members but i was 5km away before my astranought's pack ran out of juice.. I'm still finding it hard to get into orbit with fuel to spare so i have a lot to work on =)
  2. Thank you! I got him back to the shuttle but the parachute failed on re-entry..
  3. I'm still new to the game so I've been playing around with things. I EVA'ed my pilot from a shuttle in space and moved him around on the outside of the rocket when he jumped off.. I can't get him back to the shuttle. Is there a way to make him swim through the air to the shuttle? Or is it possible to send another shuttle up to grab the old one and bring it to him? I have no idea so any help would be appreciated. P.S. Id like to not abandon the flight. I'm trying to create challenges to get use to the game still.
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