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Angry Onions

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I think I have made a rocket capable of landing a rover. on Eve, will post results later.
  2. Jean, the best way to fix this is to burn your retrograde all the way down, it's tricky, but it works.
  3. Slow down until your descending ~ 5m/s and on the final 100-200 meters, use your RCS thrusters to maintain your speed and to fine tune your landing. If your pro, you can use your main engine, what ever it be. Just be careful with that as it is really easy to go a wee bit too fast and you start ascending again.
  4. Hey kosbros, I like to makehe my rovers with vanilla parts, it's a lot of fun testing it on the launch pad and then send it flying into space. If you want, I'll send you my Rocket Jeep II .craft that can land the rover on the Mun
  5. I know that this isn't my main goal of landing on Eve, but last night I landed a rover on the mun, properly. Considering this is the third time that my kerbonaut has survived a mun encounter and the first time the vehicle also survive, I am quite proud of myself. I did this with no mods http://imgur.com/a/JVlky Two screenshots, first one is my victory shot, the second is wheelies, on the mun.... ya know, for science.
  6. I've been able to get into Sol orbit with a three stage rocket, I might have to add a stage if I want to land a rover on Eve though. It's the angle and all the math that keeps me off other planets... poor Jeb. Can some one easily explain how to change my inclination, preferably with pictures?
  7. Okay so, I've been trying to land on Eve since it's been existing. I have been able to get three vehicles in some sort of whack orbit between Eve and Kerbin. One of them ran out of fuel, the other two space cthulu'd. But I ask the almighty rocket scientist two questions: 1) What would be a proper build of a rocket that could land a rover or a plane on EvE? 2) How I go about doing my orbit in between Kerbin and Eve the proper way? Please note: I am using vanilla KSP and no, I'm not going to modding it either. Also, while I will love imgur's of your amazing rocket, I don't want your craft file. I want to build my own design and then fly it. Thank you
  8. Yaaaay a math machine page! Thank ya! And I will have to go locate this origin of the pink beacon.... to the kerbinmobile! Awaaaaaaaaaaaay!
  9. Hey Sal, well the biggest thing I need help with is landing on a different planet, Eve in particular and the second thing that's got me confused is the markers on the nav-ball. Does the pink set tell you where you should burn to intercept your target after you set it? While I understand the nav-ball, I still have some questions for it. Mustwinfull, I have nice ring of rocket debris/ depleted stages around Kerbin, some of them were unplanned dissassembly and some of them were proper explosions Okay, I suppose a more detailed explanation of what I need help with is this: I need to build a rocket/craft/thing that can land on Eve and return. My only restrictions to this goal is that I won't use mods and other people's craft files. So, who whats to help some Onions make first contact?
  10. Hello all! I've had this game for over a year now and just not decided to be on the forums. Yes, I'm a lurker. Also I need help. Like a lot of it, mainly cause. 0.17 patch while it's best patch.... lol wtf is going on. Oh well. Looking forward to good posting here.
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