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Everything posted by Halsfury

  1. I didn't want to restrict high ISP engines or make probes more difficult to send, it really isn't fair to say that the Soviets couldn't have made an ion engine, moreover I don't have the historical background to say that they didn't, though I suspect that they would have been unreliable like everything else, so this challenge is somewhat of a what if scenario. but mainly it's because more advanced players will shrug off the part handicaps easily. My experience of my own challenge is that I have found that it has caused me to make different design choices in order to bend the limited parts list to my will, Having no mainsails to work with for example has forced me towards engine bundles using the radial attachment point to attach several engines to 2m tanks, The lack of the Mk 1-2 Command pod created a radical shift in how I make my escape towers and in my attempt to make my own heat-shield with the rockomax short adapter has altered my service module design and the reduction in crew has had an impact on mission planning as well Also the lack of ASAS it has actually made it such that there is a very important reason to have a Launch Escape System I have also discovered a trick where you can use parts clipping in order to embed a stackable parachute in the top of a CM with a docking port, this has been the first time that I have used parts clipping to reduce part count
  2. The KSP faction which is modelled in game has much in common with the american space program during the cold war (or at least so we tend to think) Anyway I have also noticed that players skill level has vastly increased making anything possible for the experienced player So my challenge is quite simple, put yourself in the shoes of the Soviets rival faction which we will can the kermunists in the KSP iteration. The less funny, scarier and intensely ideological rivals of the kerbals of KSC, who also have even more limited rocket technology due to their isolationism. So without further ado the challenge: Certain missions have been approved by central planning. But first I have to list the parts which are not approved for use in any rocket by CPCPBB (That is the Centeral Planning, of Central Planning Bureau...Bureau...Bureau...) Parts Restrictions [MUST READ]: -Mk 1-2 Command Pod (2m CM) -All 2m Engines (Mainsail & Poodle, "Development of large rocket motors is really beyond us" says CPCPBB) -All JET ENGINES (Not permitted on rocket designs due to flameout potential and cheatyness of air hogging) -ASAS of any kind (SAS allowed however, "KSC engineers won't let a rocket fly without ASAS but that's because they are ideologically flawed" claims CPCPBB) -Micro Radial Mount engines ("Since micro radial engines don't fit in the stack they are deemed a) embarrassingly small and aerodynamically flawed" says CPCPBB, "The Larger Version is fine though") -NO MECHJEB and no mods (The Planning Committee can't figure out how to make anything so sophisticated) No Fuel Lines ("Because we said so" - CPCPBB) NOTE: Space Plane Hangar; KEEP OUT! This belongs to the Aircraft Planning Committee (APC), Mikoyan, Sukhoi and Ilyushin Design Bureaus. This means that you are not allowed to make any spaceplanes End of Rules =================================> MISSIONS 1) Stayputnik Send a probe into orbit Bonus Challenges: Molniya Orbit - Orient the Probe into a Molniya Orbit No debris - Use seperatrons to deorbit all spent stages 2) Gagarin Send a kerbal into orbit and return him in a Mk 1-1m CM Bonus Challenges for this mission: Vostok - Make it look like the real thing, be original and don't just go on the spaceport for it Authentic - Don't allow yourself to know anything about your orbit by not using the map view, get out your pen and paper instead and use a super high tech slide rule (calculator is fine) in order to determine your orbital parameters Meteor - Enter the atmosphere with a max G force on reentry of 9-10 3) Rendez-vous Use 2 of the same rocket from mission 2 with the addition of a docking port and RCS if you didn't have it already, remember NO ASAS or MECHJEB 4) 2 Man Capsule Develop a Launcher using the Landercan for orbital operations Bonus: R-7 - Make it look like an R-7 Family Rocket (Soyuz) 5) Muns Go to one of the two Moons of Kerbin using the mission 4 capsule, make a purpose built 1 man lander Bonus: Nothing like Apollo - Use the flowing staging (And don't turn around and dock with the lander like apollo) Capsule Lander Lunar Capture stage (slows the rocket into a lunar orbit and deorbits the lander) Lunar Injection stage N1 Block C (final stage bringing the ship to kerbin orbit) N1 Block B N1 Block A Largest Fireworks - Have your mun Rocket fail 4 times in a row You can also choose to not follow these missions and just follow the parts restrictions, in which case I'd like to see just how far you can go into space without the blacklisted parts, without fuel lines which are instrumental in Asparagus Staging and without delving into the SPH. I've already begun this challenge but I'm keeping it to myself I want to see what you come up with, It gets pretty funny, I suggest that you always make yourself some kind of launch escape tower
  3. I remember that you had a version of this which used SRB's and was lower on the parts count, It was 18. ish Do you still have it hanging around? can I find it somewhere on mediafire or somewhere or is it long gone? Thanks Halsfury
  4. @NeoMorph It was last year's stuff after all And to DerekL1963 I ask this question: Do a need a lawyer to make a post here? Cause I've never seen a legal document with emotocons scattered throughout, like this :huh::sealed:
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuRMNz-sbEs I was going through KSP stuff on youtube and I found this, my KW rocketry Saturn V/Apollo remake from last year! I put it on the spaceport back in 18.2 and just now I ran into it on a youtube vid! The Author did not have what I would call a nominal flight though..., nevertheless he made it to the Mun Also I'm not sure if he didn't tinker with the stats on the parts cause I swear that the Thor SRB's burned extra long:huh: You can follow the links from here to youtube to the spaceport, find the link to the craft in the description.
  6. Hi Design Update on the payload: It has been decided that the Service module (the final stage with the command pod attached to the top) can be altered in a few ways 1) the 2.5m ASAS can be replaced with the 1.5m version mounted directly above the engine and below the low profile rockomax adapter 2) All the RCS ports can be moved around on the CM service module but not on the lander, note that their number (4 RCS blocks) may not change 3) The docking port on top of the CM can be replaced with the covered docking port if you do not include a LES (Launch Escape System) 4) The number of Parachutes can be reduced to 2 from their current number of 3
  7. @Ninety-Three So long as whatever you attach in orbit is less than 20 parts it is fine, the launcher which you decide to use will probably be parts efficient since it is only a transfer tug but the launcher is exempt from the part count rules As a reference I did a mission to Ike in preparation for Duna where I made an interplanetary tug with the KSPX 2m nerva and a 1/2 orange tank. I launched my apollo craft into KLO and then docked the nerva tug, then I used the lunar transfer engine which I brought with the original mission to send me into Sun SOI and used the nerva to make the Duna intercept after I left Kerbin
  8. Don't get stressed about the parts so much, your score for a 10 part launcher would actually be including the cost of the payload Since minmus gives -15 and the payload is 74 the total on the pad is 84 it is a 69 part rocket plus scoring, imagine if you used 2 radial decouplers and 2 fuel lines and it sent you to the Mun then your design would get the benefit of the negative 10 points from a mun landing as well as the -15 from minmus, I didn't intend for players to be actually able to reach zero easily besides there are a lot of planets to visit
  9. Was that all one engine block? or asparagus or something? Wikipedia has a picture gallery of an apollo type mission here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_program it's listed under Lunar Mission Profile
  10. There is no rule about how far your launcher has to take the payload, I designed it to follow a typical Apollo mission plan, What I've designed so far is really designed for when you get there, (where ever there is) I used KE redux to find that the CM with the service module attached only has about 1500m/s Dv the LM by itself has a descent stage of 1600 m/s Dv and the engine can generate about .5 g's the ascent stage has about 1300 m/s D/v and can generate 1 g of thrust It has wide fuel margins for orbital operations but this was a choice for safety/versatility, Also the way it is I think that it can land on all the places which I've listed, Vall and Moho may be a stretch for the LM however just Dv wise
  11. Yes This is a design challenge focused towards providing the lowest part count, most accessible, Apollo style mission to anywhere Idea is based on the new Orion program, which is supposed to go back to the moon and to mars Since the biggest challenge in KSP is landing on other celestial bodies my attempt here is to create a scenario where the community works together to make a design which everyone can agree is the best I intend to take the crafts submitted, including those modular interplanetary stages and find the best designs based on the above point system while using the standardized Orion payload of my design I've spent a year or so perfecting the payload which I use for many things, and the above craft is what I have arrived at to give to the community The actual rocket which I use has shifted about in terms of shape and size significantly but nothing is really as good as the payload so I give this challenge to the community in order to finalize a design.
  12. It's been 40 years since kerpollo and plans to return to the moons of kerbin have begun, there is however, a slight catch; There is no money, in fact there is significant government debt and a recession, this has prompted engineers to design a smaller payload for lunar operations, your job is to provide the launch vehicle in order to get to the mun and minmus again with a minimum of expense and with a maximum of frame rates. RULES: 1) Cost is determined by part count, this challenge is all about designing a rocket which is accessible to players with older computers which can land on the mun and return 2) Some mods are permitted but must be specified, you may use all mods connected with guidance 3) You are only allowed one non-guidance related mod out of the following; KSPX, KW rocketry, and NovaPunch in your design 4) If you choose to post a craft file, the published craft should not include any guidance mods though you may recommend them (this is so that it is accessible to the most players) 5) You may choose to add to but not take away from the provided craft file (unless you specify what you did and why in which case you are restricted only by the current arrangement of the engines in the stack) 6) Craft will be judged based on part count and performance of intended objectives SCORING: 1) The best score possible is 0 since each part added is = 1 point 2) once you have landed on a body (and returned to kerbin) with your design you get a point reduction as follows Mun -10 Minmus - 15 Ike - 20 Gilly - 17 Moho - 40 Pol - 30 Bop - 32 Duna - 45 Dres - 45 Vall - 50 Eeloo - 60 The ones I haven't listed are impossible with my lander design on the basis of either not enough Dv or high surface gravity (Parachutes will also be helpful on Duna) IMPORTANT: You are allowed to dock with and use an interplanetary stage which has been brought up in a second launch so long as the part count on the docked part is no more than 20 (not that hard really) Craft File: http://www./view/?9lvmnt5e6w66ewz
  13. I survived but my name got shortened from Halsfury_10
  14. If you're having the problem where the extra connection shakes your rocket apart try using the cubic octagonal struts placed one on the one tank one right underneath it on the other and connecting it with a strut (space tape)
  15. @ Gigaforce I see your problem, your using the 2m separator between your Lander and your Command module, if you were to use the 1m version your separator would actually "rest" on the docking port for the lander. I've never found a use for the large 2m separator but I'm sure that there are some and there will certainly be more in future, also you can cut down on the struts by placing them in A frame shapes once or twice every stage and finally one set connecting the last radially mounted stage to the side of the inner rocket body Other than that the Euler XIV payload which you have there is pretty advanced, making 2 stage landers which are small enough to fit into a Saturn V type mission in this game is no easy task, I only just built my first a few days ago, mainly because it's actually safer than a 1 stage plus you can keep a record of your landings by using a probe body on the descent stage Also recently I landed my first successful J type mission (My saturn V with a rover stuck to the descent stage) thats the next challenge
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