Hello everyone, can anyone help me with a strange issue I encounter?
Nothing is wrong until I actually open the interface in my browser (that is If I do so, I get data - at least for a few seconds.
Then KSP stops responding and I have to kill the task. The logfile reveals a flood of messages like...
I just copied a few lines from tens of thousands of log entries. In fact Telechamus wrote about 50 000 lines into the log file starting and ending with a block of "Falling back on default handler".
Does anyone have a clue what it means? There is thousands of lines with "SIZE OF" expressions and thousands of repetitions of the GETTING and FINDING NODE combination.
Thank you, any help is aprecciated!
Edit: It crashed again, this time only adding "Falling back on default handler" 11 times to the end of the log file.
Edit2: I experimented further. The crash occurs when I open the houston gui. Also the last messages in the log are now "[LOG 15:55:57.946] [Telemachus Debug] Start GET".