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  1. What's stinks is that my iPod doesn't allow me to open the tabs to see the equations.
  2. what about a tee shirt that has Bill, Jeb, and Bob heads on the front and the KSP logo on the back.
  3. Thats a fine picture as it is just leave it.
  4. Yes I agree with all your points, but they should if at all be implemented just before it comes out or if its like minecraft an update after its initial released.
  5. Holy Cow! That's a lot of solid boosters! Does it work?
  6. Hey andyb798 In the forms go to How to... and click Orbiting 101. There are serveral videos there to help you get to the mun.
  7. Greetings keirawatson KSP is very fun to play Hope you have a fine time in the forms as well.
  8. Also ther could be multiple launch areas all around Kerbin to get the best launch.
  9. They will add cities later on as a texture but its up to them to decide weather or not there will be physics in the cities. That could be funny when you crash into the middle of the city and see the reactions of Karbals as they see the crash It should at least be a mod.
  10. I would be fine with the refining of the game and then a mini city simulator at the end. The second part makes sense and explains some things about Kerbals.
  11. maybe they can add a tiny bit of city related things if any.
  12. So you ditched one Kerbal on a ICE moon to die a lonely cold death while you left the other on a ocean moon, and the last guy saved his buddy but died trying to land. Do you plan a rescue mission?
  13. Why would you leave a Kerbal all buy himself?
  14. wow... thats creepy but cool
  15. Welcome washu I wish I could help but I haven't got to the interplantary stage, but good luck and use a big rocket.
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