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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hello fellow space travelers. I've looked all over and I can't seem to find it anywhere, so I'm turning to you all. Is there a way to have multiple command modules on one rocket? I've seen it on a few youtube videos and I'm at a lost of how to do it. Any help? Thanks again! Rocketeer
  2. Hey Pleborian! First off love your videos, has inspired me to something similar to what you do. I do have a quick question though. I'm having some trouble with the WarpClamp mod. I've installed the "Parts" and the "Plugins" but where do the "Source" files go? They are the WarpClamp.cs and WarpClampMenu.cs file. I'm at a loss and I'm sure its something dumb. Thanks for any help! Looking forward to your next video!! Fellow space traveler, Rocketeer
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