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Hammer Bridges

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It accrued to me that perhaps you just didn’t accept my largest plane and instead took my second largest plane because my largest plane‘s landed shot showed it with it’s wings smashed off due to my poor landing attempt, thus disqualifying it. That would make a lot of sense and is fair, so here is an actual landing of my largest plane with zero damage and all wing and parts intact:)
  2. No first place? If I may inquire as to how I don't have the largest plane? It's the tallest, and widest, I will say it is shorter then Nuclear_Hamster's plane but not by as much as it's wing span is wider then 1st and 2nd place. Diio's plane seems to extend from the end of the (60) to just past the start of the lines, while my plane is probably about 30% longer while wing span wise is about 6.2x wider then the runway which is also 6.2x wider then Diio's, as for height.. well it's quite a bit taller obviously:rolleyes: I apologize for my overly competitive spirit, but.. I'm overly competitive:).
  3. SO after something like 12+ hours I can hopefully say I have the biggest plane to ever fly the Kerbal skys. THE BIG (1 AFFAA) The letters at the end indicate which model this is, there was easily 60+ failed attempts at this thing working. This plane is CRAZY! The wing span has to be "1,000 meters+" wide? looking at the little Kerbals in the space station makes me think each one is like a jumbo jet wing and there are 10 (wide) on either side of the fuselage! The wings were the tricky part, easily overshadowing the largest and heaviest plane body I've ever seen, the wings generate so much lift yet produce so much leverage at either end that having them simply not fall off a the beginning of each runway start was harder then keeping them on when I actually took off. In order to hold it together the plane is extremely slow and does nothing in a hurry, it takes off at 66 m/s and flies at 78m/s, takes over 10 minutes to do a 180, "never had the opportunity though, simply turned for 5 minutes and landed on the cost." lands at 35 m/s I have no idea how high it will fly it's so slow that I'll have to figure that out later. The plane lands reasonably well, except for the fact that the wings will happly fall off if they encounter a small hill or variation of elevated land, which is highly probable considering how much land they cover while landing. Eventually I'll find a flat and long enough landing patch to not lose the wings. 70% of this plane is struts and cables! Wing span compensating for something? All those derbies in the back are the wings after hitting a small hill.
  4. I like the over head wing design, that should help with wing tips hitting the ground on landing and take offs I seem to get a lot:(.
  5. New to this, is modded anything DLC? and stock only stuff that came with 17.0 with no add ons? if so then I've got a modded ship that could get to Proxima Centauri in 3,129 years. Though if I spend time on a better trajectory and more time engines on before going worp, I may just take first place, though I dread doing it again as it takes so long, also sorry no screen shot a 1,000G I flew this mission awhile ago and never toke screen shots, this is it currently, you can assume it has not increased in speed since 1,000G if anything only slowed down.
  6. AS promised here are my two largest working planes, it all started trying to see how far I could fly buy lifting as much fuel / weight into the air as possible. The first one (The HP74) has had countless variations including a massive 5 winged model that was too laggy to effectively fly. It only just takes off before hitting the water, but is super easy to land. The first one had 9x LV-T30 motors and only hit 88 meters a second on takeoff, since then it's been modified to run less engines "with more power" for less laggy performance on my computer. The other plane was to see just how big I could make a plane (The HP1974) it weighs 100's of units "no idea how you guys figure out weight in pounds or size in feet etc" Im pretty sure it has to have the widest wingspan ever to fly, which by the way is quite unnerving to maneuver with:sealed:. It takes off and flys much better then the smaller HP74, but is harder to land, I'll play tonight and upload a landed shot of it. When these were built I was unaware of this forum or anyone else's biggest planes it amuses me how differently I approached this problem with no idea on how to go about doing it:cool:. HP74 HP1974
  7. Just got KSP 4 days ago, was trying to build the biggest plane and then I found this! I'll up load pictures of my monstrous planes later (-:
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