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Krash Gordan

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Everything posted by Krash Gordan

  1. OK, I figured out how to get the altitude. Now how do I put the capsule in orbit? BTW your "Fortress Style" comment was what did it.
  2. Hi all, I'm not just a noob, Im a Brand Noob. I just downloaded the free play test 4 hours ago, to check it out before I commit to the game. ( I know it's only 20 bucks but hey, why buy more frustration) Anyway in that version I can't get ANYTHING past 10000m without it hitting apogee and nose diving. I've tried every combo in every (limited) configuration and all I can say is after 4 hours I'm ready to wash my hands of the whole thing. Questions Altitude does the M at say 10000M mean meters? What altitude do you need to achieve orbit around Kerbil? Do you need to go straight up to that level to achieve orbit or do you need to do some crazy ballistic lob that I will never figure out? What's the best "package" for a successfull mission in the play test mode? What's the mission of playtest? MOST important is there a more indepth KPS for dummies relating to the playtest module ( The tutorial is somewhat vague) This game looks really fun but I have no clue what to do. If I If I can get through the playtest I KNOW I can talk my wife into letting me buy the game. She works for a aviation/space industry , David Clark Company. Check em out on the web. They build the Flight suits for the U2 and SR 71 and the NASA space suits. BTW Felix Baumgartner Jumps from 120000 feet tommorrow ( we hope:cool:) that dude makes extreme look boring. Thanks
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