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Everything posted by Danny88

  1. The Saturn IB is perfect for launching up MOL modules to make space stations.
  2. Agreed. Frizzank is great at what he does, asking him for scenery and whatnot is kinda off-putting, he's a spaceship maker, not a groundskeeper.
  3. I fixed up my Jupiter Rocket, now it's suborbital, has the engine abort stage, and is proper height.
  4. Decided to have a little fun with FASA with the Mercury Capsule.... And.... it's in orbit, haha. Unlike the real Jupiter
  5. Just tested it out, I think it's fantastic.
  6. And as a bonus, they resemble stereo speakers.
  7. Yeah. that's Manned Orbital Laboratory, the grey tanks are actually instrument bays, also apart of MOL, both are in the FASA pack.
  8. This is easily my favourite mod. I've attempted to make a MIR module style station using the MOL and stock parts.
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