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Posts posted by Athah

  1. Not on this forum but in games I use ImTheCaptin.

    Here is how I got to ImTheCaptin

    once cometh birth age of 11 I became massive noob playing half life one online

    my first name was frozenfish but people either called me frozen or fish and not frozenfish... some thing had to be done

    so I changed it to the most responsible thing I could think of I'mTheAdmin

    I kept this name until I played counter strike source when I found that with this name I could claim to be the admin (yes noobish)

    After much greifing on zombie server I had to constantly change my user name and rejoin the server so at that time I had a TON of usernames (still noob)

    but my main screen name stayed I'mTheAdmin

    Until I shed the bounds of being a noob and started playing garrys mod (How did I stop being a noob in garrys mod is anyones guess)

    So hence forth I stopped claiming I was an admin but kept the name of old time sakes

    however this caused much confusion because people would call for ADMIN and It would seem like they are talking to me and not actual calling for an ADMIN

    at some-point a real admin threaten to ban if I didn't change my name so I changed it to ImTheCaptin

    the reason why it is captin and not captain is because I hate it when people say 'cappy-tan'

    so yup that how I got my screen name

    (noob no longer)

    I was watching one of my best TV programs

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