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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I wan't a damn zoom function for that cam. Wanna see Jool from far away!
  2. Thank you for you quick answer, it works now I just had to build a new Satellite, cause it said me it was missing a part, but no matter, my new Voyager 2 is on it's way to orbit I even build it more efficient, less weight, less useless parts and a new launcher But, I want to see things far away, the poster of the script, Spaced_out said the lower the value of FoV, the higher the zoom. So, I changed the value from 10 to 5, but I didn't see a difference. I also tried it with 1, 0.001, 20, 200, 36000000000 but nothing worked, I pointed the telescope at the Mun, but it is there in original size, no matter which value I use. Do I have to change another value or am I just too stupid to use it?
  3. My browser refreshed, delete this double post please.
  4. I have a question to this, first, to which .cfg? And the second, how to activate it then? Sorry, but i'm new to KSP and a total noob in using mechjeb . I already have a satellite build with the telescope thingy on top and some solar panels, also a MechJeb module and a satellite core. It got into Orbit with a launcher (yay, I got a circular orbit with mechjeb, 149/150km ). But now I want to use it as telescope to see the other planets. Oops, sorry fo double posting, my browser refreshed, please delete my second post.
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