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  1. Hello, I found what was my problem, I didn't have the 2.7.5 version of ModuleManager, so that's solved ^^ But well, I still don't get anything from my recycle bin, I can see the Electric Charge that is used by the recycle bin (I think ...) but, I got nothing in my HexCan. Thanks for the quick answer btw ! That's not really my case haha
  2. Hey, Is EL uncompatible with some others mods ? I recently upgraded my version to the last one, 5.5.4 cause the recycle bin wasn't working (things went into, but no scrap metal was generated, I didn't find where was written the version on this EL ...) But now nothing is working, I have simply no GUI to use them ... RecycleBin can't be activate, Workshop neither, and those parts were working well in my last version (well not the generation of scrap metal ..) Did I do something wrong ? Thanks Bye
  3. Hello, I'm using the IR Sequencer RC 1.0 and 1.1.3 version of KSP I'm able to make a sequence and to play it, but I can't move the order of commands, it's kinda annoying. Everytime I try to select a command and move it top or bottom, I have an exception showing in the KSP Debug Console as you can see on the link for the image. http://imgur.com/7Y5MB6D It's not readable on the screen so here is the message shown by the Exception : [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object There is also some others bugs, on the Move Servo, when you switch between your groups, the name of the servo will display something, and when you use the arrow to add the action, it's another servo who does the action on the commands. So I need to switch group, then select an other servo in the group, and select the right servo again. That would be great to be able to save Sequence to be able to load it to another vessel, Maybe it's because of the 1.1.3 version of KSP ? If you need something else, ask me Edit : Here is the KSP.log -> http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00391987709127799383
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