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Everything posted by DuhMedic

  1. Thanks, that resolved the issue. For anyone looking that doesn't know where to look, under the tweakscale gamedata folder, Patches>Squad_TweakScale.cfg and fix the typo on line 218. <3
  2. I'm noticing that with TweakScale installed, the LV-T45 Swivel liquid engine breaks the VAB when taken out of the part list. It shows a discharge of fuel on the Left and bottom part of the engine and makes everything else in the VAB untouchable. It may also be important to note that I was doing this with Tweakable Everything, but I tried doing this with that mod removed, but the problem persisted.
  3. Well I, for one, am grateful for forks such as this. I am rather annoyed that authors lock their mods. Could always just say (64bit version of this mod is currently unsupported) and just leave it alone. It's squads fault mods have bugs in 64 bit. Cool. I play 64bit JUST FINE with my mods and have NO issues other than the god forsaken ram limit on 32bit. None. At all. Ever. It runs just fine. That ONE rare occasion that I have a memory leak and the thing crashes is just that: RARE. Seriously. It's taken us almost 12 years to transition to 64bit computing because people are too freaking scared to try something new. 64bit is real, and it NEEDS to happen. That 4gig memory cap is stupid. Seriously stupid. I'm using no less than 7 gigs of ram for KSP and I don't like playing it without those mods. If I knew how to 64bit enable them myself I'd do it, but I don't know how. (Wanna show me to a place where I can learn how? THANK YOU.) At the moment, however, I'm stuck relying on kind people like this to do the work for me. I WANT to use all these great mods by great, inventive developers but they are restricting their audience. We aren't people that THINK we need 64bit. It's a reality that we DO need it. It's not some illusion because we simply go back. We aren't drug addicts. We're pushing a restricted program to its limits and you're not helping the problem. WE should be breaking the game so squad has more incentive to fix those cracks. There is no real reason to lock them. If you want to withdraw support for it, fine. I'll figure out the kinks myself. But don't restrict my gameplay simply because you don't want to pay attention to that end of it. I'll get over it. I just want to play the friggen game. And I want to make it better with YOUR mods. So just LET me.
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