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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I installed kerbinside with firespitter on it, and each time i selected a launch site other than the default ones, the game crashed. then i saw the FAQ, and i uninstalled firespitter by deleting the folder in the game data. however, it still does the same thing. i did not remove the firespitter crafts on the folder, i deleted them in game, but i doubt thats what is causing it. now i also have scatter, EVE, and bd armory, but that shouldnt be causing any conflicts. so, how can i solve this? i already reinstalled kerbin side, and it still does the same thing.
  2. Ok i just installed everything separatedly instead of using the all in one pack, and now theres no fps drop, smooth as butter. so a warning to everyone that wants to download this awsome mod, dont use the all in one pack. it must have some unoptimized preview content or something, so if you dont want your fps decreased by half at the ksc, install everything separatedly.
  3. So i just tried out this mod, and while i have a fairly good rig (8gb 1600mhz memory, i3 3250 3.5ghz dual core, msi gtx 970 4gb), this mod makes my fps drop to crap, expecially in the KSC, because of the new buildings. i have no idea why it does that, at 100% scatter density without this mod i dont even notice an fps drop, but with this mod with scatter disabled, it kills the fps. i was using the all in one pack, so maybe its some unoptimized preview content? i really like this mod, so i would like to know how to fix that.
  4. oh ok i didnt know how to do those things, thanks for noting that!
  5. So i was making little punny fighter jets that barelly breached the sound barrier, and suddently, my mind came out with this: The SUKERB-16! (A play with the SUKHOI line of russian fighters, wich sorta inspired this design) It is able to go all the way up to 1015m/s (around mach 3) before exploding! here are some more pictures of it: Parked infront of the administration building after a flight to the old airfield breaching the sound barrier shortly after takeoff starting to catch fire... slowed it down a little so it didnt explode, and got a shot at it droping the droptanks and there it is going at max speed! the plane started exploding 1second after i took that picture, getting the wings ripped off, and only the main fuselage remained. it has 2 airbrakes and 2 radial droge parachutes to help it land and halt to a fullstop quickly. thats it, hope you liked it and also that it gave you the inspiration to build some ridiculously fast plane!
  6. So here we are moving to 1.0.. however, we still dont have IVAS on the MK3 plane cockpit and the MK2 and MK3 passenger cabins... maybe its just me nitpicking, but going to 1.0 means that the game should be in a finished state, not missing stuff. i love to use IVA since it really gives some Immersion. also, IVA on chairs would be nice.. toughts on this issue?
  7. so i just noticed, while going to a hangar on the small island in front of ksp, that the camera now goes on top of the builing, instead of just staying inside it. i searched it and i found out it was included in the last update. i think this is a terrible feature wich should be removed. i would rather have my camera go inside buildings than it just going on the top of them each time i go inside one (it also hapened in the control tower of the small island and in the top of the VAB). anyway, im not sure if the feeling that this feature is terrible is shared by everyone, so post here if you think it is bad or good.
  8. so kerbin is kinda dead atm. tough that is going to change with the inclusion of cities, (and hopefully kerbal citizens, cant wait to crash a plane there and have a bunch of googly eyes staring at the ship) some creatures on the planet would be nice. there would be land ones, air ones and maybe aquatic ones (not necessary tough). air creatures could make your spaceplane crash if you werent carefull enough, and even your ship. some land creatures would try to eat your rover from breakfast and it would be extremelly cool if there were creatures out there the size of the VAB. just a suggestion, and haters gona hate.
  9. turning it into a free to play game: so now rockets take time to build, and you only have the parts from the demo on start also you only have ksc area (10km area around ksc) to fly in. BUT WAIT! if you dont want to wait 3 days for the rocket ending being built then pay 5 euros and you are good to go! your rocket is ****? no refunds. AND WAIT! you can buy one part for 2 euros or you can buy them all for 200! WHOHOOOO! ALSO dont forget our planets pack wich adds all the planets for only 100 euros! the mun costs 20, the whole kerbin costs 40, duna costs 35, other muns cost 25 each, eve costs 45, jool costs 10 (cuz you cant land in it). also you require the planets first before you can buy the muns! also you have an energy bar with 100 of it. each rocket launch costs 20. every 2 hours one energy is replaced. it takes amost 5 days for it to be fully replaced. dont want to wait? pay 5 euros! AND WAIT! dont forget, the sph acess only costs 50 euros! (parts not included).ALSO AND LAST! if you want 1 extra energy just whatch this videos from our sponsors! blu buall, da best energy drink evaa!!!: blablabla. HAVE FUN! NO. JUST NO.
  10. nonono, just no. i like to make experimental rockets and planes with weird and fun shapes, and most of them dont fly, so i have to improve them. and im certainly not the only one. waiting a bunch of time before i can launch it only to find out it doesent fly.... no. just no. if they ever implement this at least not on sandbox mode and also make it a toggleable option. if it is really annoying you then roleplay it. make a ship, save it and after 3 days or so launch it.
  11. and i tough lets blow the plane wich is in autopilot up! this video shows it: both planes are b9 stock and the plane wich shoots down the bigger one has lazor systems weaponry. enjoy!
  12. that happened to me twice yesterday. on kerbin. i hited the kerbanaut with whack a kerbal. in the face. with a ball. aaand everything went back to normal.
  13. i think humanity could feature a somewhat important part because it would be the only intelligent species in the planet as of now. Maybe it could be a plage simulation like plague inc and humanity would present a somewhat challenge for this forms of life to breed and exist, unless they had evolved for not killing nor making symptoms on the hosts, like those bacterias that thrive on food from the digestive track. On a completely unrelated thing, please keep movies out of here, i want serious discution about this matter like falofonos did, not some random movie naming.
  14. Its not as ridiculous as it sounds. We just recently invented pcs and we already have people simulators like the sims and so on... on a quantum computer, the simulation could be much much better, graphics that look exactly like real people, true IA on the charaters, extreme open world like outerra anteworld or ksp. then we could replace the people by aliens. Of course, this would open ethical questions. if they are inteligent, wouldent killing one of them be murder? With some modding and cheats, we would be their god, even if we were just a 6 year old spoiled kid. In other words, if we are a computer simulation (sorry for all religious people) our god can be just a random alien 6 year old or a random person that made a game with persons. in other words, we arent trully people, we are just some lines of code. Of course, if we can replicate that game, wouldent our gods be people from a pc simulation also? so our true god would be the scientist that invented the first game of this kind. In other words, if that 6 year old spoiled kid so wants, we can be all ded with the touch of a button... we already to that with kerbals so its possible. All disasters, from dinossaur extinction to chernobill, and all the dead people and animals resultant from it, could be his fault or just a random game event. This game would kinda be spore, sims, sim city and civilization combined, so every battle in history was the fault of that 6 year old kid or whatever. The 2nd world war would be his fault... the massacre of millions of jews would be his fault... what kind of mad guy would be the one that made that? maybe its just a question of time until he gets bored of us and kills us all... global warming would be an event caused by us, so if he decides he didnt want to lose his save game on this planet, why not murder us all? also, after death life could be possible, cuz why not? anyway its an interesting and creepy theory. It has already been proposed by more people so... why not take it seriously?
  15. yea forgot about the trees.. trees are a better idea. they would give us light in a nice beautiful package
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