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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. What you have looks pretty awesome Nova! Personally, I think having a space station that might be viewed as 'too easy' is a better risk than one which is 'too hard'. This is personal because...*sigh* orbits and I just don't get along. However! Why not have both? Of course this is even more of a long-term discussion, but: If there is an easier-to-put-together space station (for people such as myself), that would be great practice and fulfill some sense of achievement. This space station would just be less cool, you could do less things with it, and since most people are able to assemble it in orbit it will not fully satisfy those needs. A second, more-difficult version could feature enticing incentives in the form of cooler functions, cooler design, and you'll be part of the minority rather than majority. Granted, in my head I'm imagining the types of space stations that you could walk around in. As I said, more long-term! I suppose you'd need to make both of the stations prior to creating their interiors anyway.
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