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  1. These tanks are fantastic, they've cut down hugely on my part counts, and make designing rockets so much simpler, thanks so much! I was wondering, though, if a couple of tanks the size of the mark 2 and 3 fuselages would be possible to be made? Not sure how complex that would be, or whatnot.
  2. I know this thread is a few days old, but I had the same thought about SAS, and have found that you can change it to basically be identical to a probe part, but with no usage of electric charge, which then means the rotational power will work. I also increased the mass, just as a form of balance. I can't seem to post attachments, I guess because either I don't have enough posts, or it's just not allowed in the forums, so I'll put the additions I used for it here, and you can just copy and paste it into a copy of the SAS module config file. CrewCapacity = 0 category = Pods // --- SAS parameters --- rotPower = 20 linPower = 20 maxTorque = 20 Ki = 0 Kp = 5.0 Kd = 3.5 MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0 } } } Obviously some is just changing what's already there, and some is adding it in. Hope this helps anyone! Sorry if I've done this post really badly.
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