Hallo guys, I just got ksp about a week ago, and I've been having loads of fun with my systematic genocide of the Kerbal population via expulsion into space. Strangely, there seems to be a sense of satisfaction in NOT killing them sometimes, and actually getting them to their destinations. That being said, it seems a lot of the tips and tricks involve using mod parts. I see how to install them and I see the list, but it's kind of... Daunting... Can anyone reccomend some good basic mods that will help with routine things? I don't need to build space stations (although that looks cool) or anything overly fancy, just looking to buff out my parts from whats stock and perhaps try my hand at building a rover. If anyone has any suggestions for most useful or commonly used mods I would be very grateful, and I'de also appreciate any other tips of suggestions that might make my experience easier or more enjoyable. Thanks guys!