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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I want to speak in favor of removing the station science experiments from field research. 1.) Station Science comes with included contracts for the experiments. 2.) The Station Science experiments are even more hefty than you realize, going up to 75t (I think) of mass required to be towed to the target location. Generally all Field Research Contracts including any Station Science experiment is a direct no go. The payoff offered by your contracts for performing those experiments is at least an order of magnitude below what is required to make them interesting. Getting a pretty high 5 digit payoff to tow at least 15t of mass to the next planet is not even beginning to cover the costs. Lately it led me to start ignoring my Field Research contracts alltogether as they often include those parts. So, please take them out and let them be handled by the contracts delivered together with the parts.
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