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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Just uploaded the first episode of a Kethane mod let's play. Hope you all enjoy it.
  2. I'm starting a new YouTube channel about KSP and my adventures in the game. I'm gonna be posting videos of me completing challenges and going to diff. planets. I need feedback on my videos. Also, any suggestions for my videos? Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwatZCVxD2RRdxDTiyar2Dw
  3. Okey, I discovered this by accident. I don't know if this is something well-known or not, but it sure was a surprise for me! This was supposed to be an electrical module for my space station... maybe I should tie it with struts. The amazing thing is, the snake never broke until it hit the ground. And, any suggestions for a better electrical module design?
  4. The performance updates. Now I'll finally be able to launch a second ship without having to restart KSP or change the boot.ini file.
  5. Are those mods compatible with KSP .19.1?
  6. Which mods are currently out there that use antimatter as a fuel?
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