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  1. Thx for your welcome and thx for the tipps! Yeahr, i already use struts like duct tape on every possible part but didn't know that with the gimbals.
  2. A friendly Hello to all Kerbal Rocket-Scientist's out there! Bought the game around 1.5 weeks ago and have played over 38 hours since then. While i can bring small rockets into orbit, I'm actually failing to build large, effective rockets, that could transport Spacestation parts into orbits. My designs so far are all wobbely and destroys them mostly self, before i reach the orbit. Greetings,
  3. Read the first time a year ago about it in some forum. It looked interesting, but i wasn't sure, so i decided to wait and observe how it goes on, than i forgot nearly about it. Then i saw it on Steam and bought it.
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